Siema’s first core value is SAFETY, and the company leadership is committed to providing employees with a safe work environment by providing the proper training, tools, equipment, and oversight to achieve a goal of zero accidents. Our in-house controls and training are similar to some of the largest firms in our industry. We go above and beyond OSHA compliance, ensuring our employees receive training and are aware of the potential risk associated with each construction task.
Our company culture is based upon measurable safety targets, which include both leading and lagging indicators. Every employee is responsible and incentivized to reach these targets.
Our In-House Controls Include:
- Employee Orientation
- Position Training
- Siema Safety Basics Course
- Siema Safety Employee of the Month Recognition Program
- Stop Work Authority
- Mandatory PPE
- Pre-Task Planning
- Weekly Tools Box Talks
- Intermediate Task Specific Training
- Job Site Safety Inspections
- First Aid and CPR Certification
- Defensive Driving Classes
- Accident Investigation